Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to WebHornet FAQ

Is hosting included when I purchase a WebHornet Website?

Yes, hosting is included.

Can I host my WebHornet Website on my own server?

No, WebHornet is already hosted for you.

How do I purchase a website?

Contact us to start discussing your new website or website you would like to convert. We can provide an estimate or get started right away!

Will you help us transfer the domain from our current site to our Web Hornet site?

Yes, when you purchase WebHornet, add 1 Hornet Helper Hour and we will guide you through this complex process.

I have 3rd party software that needs to work with my WebHornet Website, will it work?

If the product you are referring to provides you a snippet of HTML, you can paste this into your website. Example: To embed a YouTube video into your website, simply paste the HTML provided into any HTML Module and click Save. Feel free to visit with us about software integration.

Why do I need a website?

If you are a small business or a non-profit organization, having a facebook page or a twitter account is not enough. Most users will consider an organization that doesn't have a website to be suspicious or fake. Consider it your business front door on the internet whicht adds to your organizations creditability.

What about all of these Free Flash Website tools?

Although Flash is great for presentation, search engines cannot understand flash so they are ignored. You can build the coolest flash site ever, but if nobody finds it, it's not going to work for your business.

What about all of these Free Website Builders?

We found that most of the free website builder companies just use FREE as marketing bait. If you want to do anything useful when you create a website you have to pay for the feature. Most free website builders limit you on pages, storage, features or support. We wanted to offer everything you need in one simple package right from the get go and include our highly praised Website Support. Our customers seem to agree!

What if you don't want to design or build your own website?

We have you covered, you can hire us to design, build and maintain your site. Just tell us what you want done and our friendly support staff can take care of your needs.

Ready to get started?

Contact us today 402.391.1713 or

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